taken from http://www88.hattrick.org/Forum/Read.aspx?t=15036721&n=1&v=4
by Zorbas
I've been quite reluctant to open this thread, but many people encouraged me to do it, so here we are. This wants to be somehow the unwritten manual of HT, with useful info that can not be found in the written one.
What you'll find here is the result of a collective work, mainly made in the Romanian community (see also (http://hattrick-romania.ro/), but also in two federations I'm a member: Tactics (13038) and ALTERNATIV (47178). Different studies have been consulted as well, so the info here should be quite accurate.
I'd be more than happy to update it, in case someone wants to bring new things onto the table or in case there are reliable proofs some facts here have to suffer some changes.
So let's start!
► the offensive coach offers a boost of 8% to your attack ratings and a penalty of 11% to the defence ratings.
► the defensive coach offers a boost of 14% to your defence ratings and a penalty of 8% to your attack ratings.
► the neutral coach doesn't have a specific influence on your attack/defence ratings.*
*This calculations are made considering the neutral coach as a reference.
► The sports psychologists increase your team confidence and - directly - your attack ratings. It's good to have a minimum of 5 of them, to keep your confidence up, but this depends of how you can manage with the 30 staff members limit.
► The Passing skill of your inner midfielders offers a boost to your attack ratings (especially if they are played offensive and they've got a nice skill on Passing).
► If a player has played in two different positions during the week, the position that grants him the best training effect will be chosen at the update.
► When you play 1 Forward only, a good option is to maximize the attack on that side, playing the Forward Towards Wing or an Inner Midfielder Towards Wing (or even an Offensive/Normal WingBack).
► When you play PIC your Team Spirit will get a boost (multiply your actual TS with 1.33). When you play MOTS your TS will fall down with 50%.
► Your chances to score are distributed as they follow: 35% in the middle, 25% on each side (R/L) and 15% free kicks (direct and indirect FK).
► No matter if the HTs tried to lower the importance of the midfield rating, this is still the most important thing that can lead your team to victory. So do your best to possess your opponent (I'm not talking to the CA managers here :D).
Having Multi Skilled players with Playmaking skill will help you to have a better midfield rating (Defenders with PM, Wingers with PM, Defensive Forwards with PM).
► When you train Set Pieces, your Goalkeeper and your Set Pieces Taker will get a 25% bonus on training.
► When you sell a player it's not only your TS who may suffer a fall (depending on your player's character), but also your formation experience, if he was a regular player in your first 11.
► A good help to win a match is the Team Spirit. Having a high TS it's helpful to your midfield rating. The most possession you have, the most chances to score you'll get. A coach with a high leadership will help you to avoid losing too quick the TS.
► Try to be unpredictable, which will make it harder for your opponent to 'read' your tactics. Be diversified, don't play always the same tactic. 'Hide' your real final ratings with different substitutions and orders during the match (the final ratings are an average), especially when you're comfortable in the lead, but be cautious with that.
► In case of need, especially if you have a coach with low LS, you could surprise your opponent changing the coach just before the match starts (less time for your opponent to react, but pay attention on time), improving your team ratings where needed (defensive, neutral, offensive). A Solid coach/Poor LS costs 268.700 €. If you can afford it and you think it's worth, go for it.
► A coach with SOLID LEADERSHIP will drop his LS to Passable:
- in 112-150 days if he's low Solid LS
- in 150-224 days if he's medium Solid LS
- in 224-385 days if he's high Solid LS
► The formation experience (4-4-2, 3-5-2 etc) can drop only after a match, not after every HT update (or when you sell a player which used to be a regular one in your team).
► The influence on midfield rating:
Playing CA 93%
Playing at home 119.892%
Playing derby 111.493% *
Playing PIC 83.945%
Playing MOTS 111.49%
* away team only, the home team gets the 119.892%, as usual.
► The influence of Team Spirit and attitude on midfield is:
Paradise on Earth! 122% 142% 162%
walking on clouds 116% 135% 154%
delirious 110% 128% 146%
satisfied 104% 121% 138%
content 98% 114% 130%
calm 92% 107% 122%
composed 87% 100% 113%
irritated 81% 93% 105%
furious 75% 86% 97%
murderous 63% 72% 81%
► Trading tips: (8613)
► The overconfidence message in the beginning of the match never appears when you play MOTS! It may sound silly to play MOTS just to avoid that, but some could lose their 1st place in the League in the end of the season, PICing a match who may look easier than it is.
Be careful doing that if you'll have to play a Qualification match after this.
► When you get an overconfidence message in the beginning of the match, only your midfield is affected.
► If we consider a player playing at 100% of his capacity in Excellent form, then he will perform:
Excellent 100%
Solid 96.70%
Passable 89.70%
Inadequate 82%
Weak 73.20%
Poor 62.90%
Wretched 50%
Disastrous 30.50%
► When you get a negative experience message in the match report all your ratings are affected and your team will perform as going into disorganisation, depending of both teams' experience. In the match report doesn't appear the level of disorganisation, but you can see that in midfield, as you'll notice the difference in possession, comparing to the first half (the final ratings are the average of all 90 minutes or possible extra ones).
► When you get a disorganization message in the match report, depending of the level your organisation drops, your team will perform as it follows:
Solid 95-98%
Passable 89-94%
Inadequate 83-88%
Weak 76-82%
Poor 66-75%
Wretched X-65%
► When you play against a Walkover team, you will win 5-0, get the formation experience and training for the full 90 min and the TS will be affected as usual (PIC, Normal, MOTS).
► There is an opinion (do not confuse it with a rule) that says that the match engine will consider first the general probability of winning for both teams, after that it will consider the exact score and in the end it will decide the distribution of the chances (which one will be goal and which one not).
This would explain somehow how at times a wretched attack rating will score against an utopian defending rating or how a divine attack rating doesn't score against a solid defending rating, for example.
► The total passing skill of all your outfield players determines your Attack On Wings / Attack In The Middle tactical skill.
► On the new engine there is no chance in the 45th and the 90th minute. The most chances seem to happen between min. 25-37.
► The efficiency of a coach - comparing to 100% of a Solid one - is:
Excellent 105.30%
Solid 100%
Passable 90.90%
Inadequate 83.30%
Weak 76.90%
Poor 71.40%
► The Powerful and Quick players will never suffer a weather penalty event in the first half, if weather is Sunny.
► If you want to know more about the Team Spirit drop or PIC effect, you may want to consider this table: (http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3466/teams...t.jpg) (at times that website is down).
► Having a high number of Head players your team will be more likely to score from the Head SE, but also to defend against your opponent's Headers. The influence of your Headers in scoring is A LOT BIGGER than in defending against your opponent's ones (corners). (13700898.133).
► Talking HatStats/LoddarStats, the "weakest" player in HT is the CDO, comparing to what is he losing and what is he bringing in the total team ratings. Don't get fooled about that, at times a CDO is all you may need to win a match, if you want just some extra midfield.
► After the match engine is analysing the possession, giving you an ordinary chance, it will compare the attack/defence ratings and if it's the case it will offer you the goal.
The scorer will be picked randomly (the FWs are more likely to be found on the scoring sheet).
► You can set up the Set Pieces Taker - in case your regular one is being substituted - using the Penalty Takers tab. If your SP Taker will be substituted, the second player from the Penalty Takers tab will do the job, not the substitute.
► If you need to improve your Team Spirit you can lower the training intensity. You could check exactly how much will that be here: (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/?start...files) (Tools -> Matches -> TS vs TI). Be careful, you'll have to do that the latest Thursday morning and when you'll be back on 100% intensity you'll suffer a long term bad effect on your players' forms and your TS will drop badly.
► The harder you train, the better the squad's form becomes in general, and effects from training increase (make the connection with the previous trick).
► At the beginning of the season, after the TS reset, your team TS is composed medium (4.50).
► When your team gets a Special Event, it depends of the side where the match engine will give it to you (I'm talking about Technical vs Head, Quick for Wingers etc).
► When you buy a player, there is a chance that your TS may drop, depending of the player's character:
- Popular/Sympathetic - 0% chances for a TS fall
- Pleasant - 30%
- Controversial - 47%
- Nasty - 69%
► When you sell a player the chances for a TS drop are:
- Popular - 27% chances for a TS fall
- Sympathetic - 22%
- Pleasant - 12%
- Controversial/Nasty - 0%
► If a team has become ownerless it turns into a bot-team on the first of the three following points in time:
- before the 1st round of the Cup.
- after the 7th round of the league.
- after the 14th round of the league.
► You can make good money when you buy players, not only when you sell them. Buy cheap, especially in the end of the season, when prices are low!
► Do you need to know when and where the late international friendlies are played or if a player from TL got already the training/health update? This is a list with all the updates in the HT-World: (http://www.angelfire.com/theforce2/helghallen...e.htm).
► The experience of the player has an impact on a penalty competition only and NOT on a regular penalty kick (or set pieces chance) in the match.
► The fixtures (matches between the 8 teams of the league) are:
Week 1 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 8
Week 2 4 - 1 2 - 7 6 - 3 8 - 5
Week 3 1 - 8 3 - 5 4 - 2 7 - 6
Week 4 6 - 1 2 - 3 5 - 7 8 - 4
Week 5 1 - 7 4 - 5 3 - 8 2 - 6
Week 6 5 - 1 7 - 3 6 - 4 8 - 2
Week 7 1 - 3 2 - 5 4 - 7 6 - 8
Week 8 3 - 1 5 - 2 7 - 4 8 - 6
Week 9 1 - 5 3 - 7 4 - 6 2 - 8
Week 10 7 - 1 5 - 4 8 - 3 6 - 2
Week 11 1 - 6 3 - 2 7 - 5 4 - 8
Week 12 8 - 1 5 - 3 2 - 4 6 - 7
Week 13 1 - 4 7 - 2 3 - 6 5 - 8
Week 14 2 -1 4 - 3 6 - 5 8 - 7
► There are some agglomeration penalties, in case you play 2 or 3 players on the same central position. Those penalties occur to all the skills of the players from that specific central compartment of your team and they are:
- 2 Central Defenders: -3.6%
- 3 Central Defenders: -10%
- 2 Inner Midfielders: -6.5%
- 3 Inner Midfielders: -17.5%
- 2 Forwads: -5.5%
- 3 Forwards: -13.5%
► (http://www.bogayman.ro/academie/en/regulimana....html) - if you're interested to find out some tricks about the Youth Academy.
► AOW/AIM Tactics level = [sum of passing]/5 - 2
Sum of Passing skills of your players (excluding the GK):
30 - Weak Tactic level
35 - Inadequate
40 - Passable
45 - Solid
50 - Excellent
55 - Formidable
60 - Outstanding
65 - Brilliant
70 - Magnificent
75 - WorldClass
80 - Supernatural
85 - Titanic
90 - Extra-Terrestrial
95 - Mythical
100 - Magical
105 - Utopian
110 - Divine.
Example: Sum of Passing for your players is 60.
Formula: [sum of Passing]/5 - 2 = 60/5 - 2 = 12 - 2 = 10
So your AOW/AIM tactical skill is Outstanding (10).
► CA calculator: (http://www.ronaldinho.dk/ht/CA.asp).
► Stamina factor = ((stamina+6.5)/14)^0.6
Stamina tools: (http://lizardopoli.altervista.org/staminia/)
About stamina: "What's in that tea?" (15032954.1).
► Form factor = ((form-0.5)/7)^0.45
► Weekly skill drop formula: [(Skill-14,85)^2]/1000 (regardless the age; for the 28yo+ players an extra age drop will occur)
► The influence of player's XP:
Formula: XP influence: =1+0,0716*ROOT(XP-1)
Experience Contribution
Non-existent 0%
Disastrous 5%
Wretched 8.80%
Poor 11.30%
Weak 13.40%
Inadequate 15.20%
Passable 16.80%
Solid 18.20%
Excellent 19.60%
Formidable 20.90%
Outstanding 22.10%
Brilliant 23.20%
Magnificent 24.30%
WorldClass 25.30%
Supernatural 26.30%
Titanic 27.30%
Extra-Terrestrial 28.20%
Mythical 29.10%
Magical 30.00%
Utopian 30.8%
Divine 31.60%
► XP points (1 XP level = 28 XP points):
Match type XP points
National friendly match 0.1
International friendly match 0.2
League match 1
Cup match 2
U20/NT friendly match 2
Qualifying match 2
Hattrick Masters match 5
U20/NT official match 10
U20/NT World Cup (semi)final 20
► Specialities by position (statistics by EngelRS4): (14695202.1).
► Long Shots tactic level = 1.66*SC + 0.55*SP - 7.6
SC = outfield players average scoring
SP = outfield players average set pieces
Penalty on LS:
- Midfield: -5%
- Attack: -2,7%
(13160), (13124), (13125)
LS level - TOTAL
2 wretched - 15 to 18.4
3 poor - 18.5 to 20.3
4 weak - 20.4 to 23.0
5 inadequate - 23.1 to 24.6
6 passable - 24.7 to 25.9
7 solid - 26 to 27.8
8 excellent - 27.9 to 29.4
9 formidable - 29.5 to 31.1
10 outstanding - 31.2 to 33.1
11 brilliant - 33.2 to 34.2
12 magnificent - 34.3 to 36.2
13 worldclass - 36.3 to 37.8
14 supernatural - 37.9 to 40.0
15 titanic - 40.1 to 42.1
16 extraterrestial - 42.2 to 43.9
17 mythical - 44 to 45.5
18 magical - 45.6 to ?
19 utopian - 47.7
20 divine - ?
TOTAL = 3*avg(SC)+avg(SP)
where avg(SC) = average Scoring of all your ten field players
and avg(SP) = average Set Pieces of all your ten field players
POSITIONS (legend)
► the Goalkeeper contributes with:
- 86.6% of his GK skill to the Central Defence rating
- 42.5% of his Defending skill to the Central Defence rating
- 59.7% of his GK skill to the Side Defence ratings
- 27.6% of his Defending skill to the Side Defence ratings.
► The Central Defender Normal (CD) uses:
- 100% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
- 51.6% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
- 23.6% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
►The Central Defender Offensive (CDO) is using:
- 31.8% of his PM skill for the Midfield rating
- 72.5% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence rating
- 37.8% of his Defending skill for the Side Defence rating
► The Central Defender Towards Wing (CDTW) is using:
- 16.5% of his PM skill for the Midfield rating
- 77.8% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence rating
- 71.1% of his Defending skill for the Side Defence rating
- 24.6% of his Winger skill for the Side Attack rating
► The Wing Back Defensive (WBD) will use:
- 6.6% of his Playmaking skill for your midfield rating
- 47.9% of his Defending skill for Central Defence rating
- 100% of his Defending skill for the Side defence rating
- 32.3% of his Winger skill for the Side Attack rating
► The Wingback Normal (WBN) uses:
- 45% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
- 91.9% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
- 16.7% of his Playmaking for Midfield
- 50.6% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► The Wing Back Offensive (WBO) will use:
- 38.2% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
- 69.8% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
- 23% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
- 61.8% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► The Wingback Towards Middle (WBTM) uses:
- 68.3% of his Defending skill for the Central Defence
- 68.7% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
- 16.7% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
- 27.9% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► The Winger Offensive (WO) uses:
- 38.1% of his PM for midfield
- 8.5% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 18.0% of his Defending for Side Defence
- 13.5% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 24.6% of his Passing for Side Attack
- 100% of his Winger for Side Attack
► The Winger Towards Middle (WTM) uses:
- 57.4% of his PM for Midfield
- 56.4% of his Winger for Side Attack
- 13.3% of his Passing for Side Attack
- 14.8% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 24.4% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 28.4% of his Defending for Side Defence
► The Winger Normal (WN) uses:
- 85.4% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
- 21% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
- 10.4% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 45.5% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
- 20.1% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
- 34.9% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
► The Winger Defensive (WD) will use:
- 26.4% of his Defending skill for Central Defence
- 48.5% of his Defending skill for Side Defence
- 38.1% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
- 72.3% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
- 17.3% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
- 5.2% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
► The Inner Midfielder Normal (IMN) uses:
- 100% of his Playmaking for Midfield
- 40% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 18.9% of his Defending for Side Defence
- 32.5% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 21.8% of his Passing for Side Attack
► The Inner midfielder defensive (IMD) uses:
- 94.4% of his Playmaking for Midfield
- 59.4% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 27% of his Defending for Side Defence
- 21.9% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 14% of his Passing for Side Attack
►The Inner Midfielder Offensive (IMO) uses:
- 94.4% of his Playmaking for Midfield
- 21.6% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 10.2% of his Defending for Side Defence
- 48.3% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 21.6% of his Passing for Side Attack
► The Inner Midfielder Towards Wing (IMTW ) uses:
- 88.1% of his Playmaking for Midfield
- 49.4% of his Winger for Side Attack
- 27.1% of his Passing for Side Attack
- 22.7% of his Passing for Central Attack
- 34.8% of his Defending for Central Defence
- 29.1% of his Defending for Side Defence.
► The Forward Normal (FW) uses:
- 100% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
- 22.4% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
- 36.9% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
- 12.2% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
- 19% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► The Forward Towards Wing (FTW) uses:
- 60.7% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
- 45.1% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
- 26.1% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
- 18% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
- 52.2% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► The Defensive Forward (DF) uses:
- 58.3% of his Scoring skill for Central Attack
- 10.9% of his Scoring skill for Side Attack
- 40.6% of his Playmaking skill for Midfield
- 58.3% of his Passing skill for Central Attack
- 21.5% of his Passing skill for Side Attack
- 12.4% of his Winger skill for Side Attack
► For Technical Defensive Forward (TDF) the contributions are the same with the DF, with the difference that his Passing skill contributes to the Side Attack with 27.9% instead of 21.5% (as it is for the non-technical defensive forward).
Skills' Contributions TABLE
GK 86.6% 42.5% 59.7% 27.6%
CD 23.6% 100.00% 51.6%
CDTW 16.5% 77.8% 71.1% 24.6%
CDO 31.8% 72.5% 37.8%
WBN 16.7% 45% 91.9% 50.6%
WBD 6.6% 47.9% 100.00% 32.3%
WBTM 16.7% 68.3% 68.7% 27.9%
WBO 23% 38.2% 69.8% 61.8%
IMN 100.00% 40% 18.9% 32.5% 21.8%
IMO 94.4% 21.6% 10.2% 48.3% 21.6%
IMD 94.4% 59.4% 27% 21.9% 14%
IMTW 88.1% 34.8% 29.1% 22.7% 49.4% 27.1%
WN 45.5% 20.1% 34.9% 10.4% 85.4% 21%
WO 38.1% 8.5% 18% 13.5% 100.00% 24.6%
WTM 57.4% 24.4% 28.4% 14.8% 56.4% 13.3%
WD 38.1% 26.4% 48.5% 5.2% 72.3% 17.3%
FW 100.00% 36.9% 19% 12.2% 22.4%
DF 40.6% 58.3% 54.3% 12.4% 21.5% 10.9%
TDF 40.6% 58.3% 54.3% 12.4% 27.9% 10.9%
FTW 60.7% 26.1% 52.2% 18% 45.1%
CD#GK - contribution of the Goalkeeper skill to the Central Defence rating
CD#DE - contribution of the Defending skill to the Central Defence rating
SD#GK - contribution of the Goalkeeper skill to the Side Defence rating
SD#DE - contribution of the Defending skill to the Side Defence rating
CA#SC - contribution of the Scoring skill to the Central Attack rating
CA#PS - contribution of the Passing skill to the Central Attack rating
SA#W - contribution of the Winger skill to the Side Attack rating
SA#PS - contribution of the Passing skill to the Side Attack rating
SA#SC - contribution of the Scoring skill to the Side Attack rating
○ for beginners
(http://www.hattrickinfo.com/en/) - infocenter (English)
(http://www.ht-links.de/) - German
During the week:
[1st update after the League match] Daily update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
The skills drop for older players.
Supporters are coming/going.
[2nd update after the League match] Daily update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
[3rd update after the League match] Daily update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
[1st update after the Cup/friendly match] Daily update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
Supporters are coming/going.
The engine takes into account the intensity of training.
[2nd update after the Cup/friendly match] Daily update and training
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
The training occurs (it takes a few minutes).
[3rd update after the Cup/friendly match] Daily update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
[4th update after the Cup/friendly match] Daily and weekly update
Team spirit.
Arena update.
Weather update.
Injuries update.
TSI changes for injured players.
Economical update.
Youth Academy update.
Confidence update.
Supporters' mood update.
Youth pull.
At the end of every match:
For everyone
The experience of the players.
The formation experience (3-5-2, 4-4-2 etc).
The new injuries.
At the end of the official matches
Team Spirit.
Team Confidence.
Supporters' mood.
Sponsors' mood.
Yellow/Red cards.
○ TS calculators
(http://www.2shared.com/document/BFoM39MD/Team....html) - (http://hattrickinfo.com/en/tools)
how quick the TS drops/pops according to the coach leadership - (http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3466/teams...t.jpg)
evolution after lowering the training intensity - (http://www.hagonline.org/?id=34%C3%A2%C5%92%C...g=eng)
Relation coach-TS - (http://hattrick-romania.ro/relatia-lider-antr....html)
when you sell/buy a player - (http://hattrick-romania.ro/sansa-scadere-ts-l....html)
buy/sell players - (http://wiki.hattrick.org/Transfers#TS-Drop)
HAG TI-lowering Calculator - (http://www.hagonline.org/?id=34&lang=eng)
○ Arena calculators
○ Achievements
○ Others
abbreviations - (http://hattrick-romania.ro/abrevieri-uzuale.html)
conversion player into coach - (http://hattrick-romania.ro/cost-transformare-....html)
conversion player into coach - (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/pages/...h.asp)
Spokespersons number - (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/pages/...=true)
Physiotherapists number - (http://hattrick-romania.ro/studiu-fizioterape....html)
Skill drop - (http://ht4u.altervista.org/index.php)
Injury calculator - (http://ht-box.ru/healing.php)
► Youth Academy:
○ (http://www.bogayman.ro/academie/en/regulimana....html) - everything about Youth Academy
○ (http://hattrick-romania.ro/antrenament-academie...)
○ (http://www.hattrick-youthclub.org)
○ (http://wiki.hattrick.org/Training_Notes)
○ (http://easyupdate.de/hattricks/index.php/Engl...texte)
4. Other info:
○ (http://www.angelfire.com/theforce2/helghallen...e.htm) - updates in HT world
○ (http://www.hagonline.org/#manual-chapter#id=12) - logged in users statistics
○ (http://www.flattermann.net/)
○ (http://hattricklinks.com/)
○ (http://www.introht.com/category/guia-basica/)
○ ...
5. Programs:
○ HO - (http://ho1.sourceforge.net/nightly/)
○ Cup Manager - (http://hattrick.cupmanager.org) - a popular website that helps you organizing private cups
○ Manager flags - (http://www.maptrick.org/)
○ logo - (http://www.says-it.com/seal/)
○ HAM (http://www.lokesoftware.dk/ham/index.htm)
○ Hattrick - Cupmanager (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/cupmanager/)
○ Tabletrick - (http://wiki.hattrick.org/wiki/Tabletrick)
○ OpenTableTrick - (http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/pro...Trick)
○ Table Generator - (http://nrgjack.altervista.org/table.php)
○ HatTables - (http://hattick.wetpaint.com/page/HatTables+%2...sh%29)
○ Excel table on forums - (http://cid-db7e4b3c83cf5ba5.skydrive.live.com...8.xla)
2D match viewer:
○ HTPLUS - (http://www.htplus.info/htplus/index.php)
6. Statistics:
○ (http://alltid.org/)
○ (http://www.hattristics.org/pub/) - cards, special events, chances etc.
○ (http://www.htstats.com/)
○ HattriX-Ray (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray)
7. Mozilla Firefox add-ons
○ (http://www.ht-foxtrick.com/forum/portal.php)
○ (http://alltid.org/new-alltid-firefox-extension-v20)
○ (http://www.aldeaglobal.net/psicotsi/)
8. Google Chrome - fast web browser, with incorporated online translator (helpful to read other HT countries' conferences).
○ (http://www.google.com/chrome)
○ psicotsi (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/90921)
○ (http://www.ht-foxtrick.com/forum/portal.php)
Everybody deserves their own football team
Hattrick is the original online football manager game, and it's free to play. Here you get to create your own club, build the team of your dreams, and compete against hundreds of thousands of real people from all over the globe.
Get your own team - we are always looking for new talent!
Hattrick is a strategic football game - outwit your opponents on the field today, or build a winning long-term strategy. Hattrick is a persistent multiplayer game world and has been online since 1997! It's easy to get started in Hattrick, no downloads are required and you won't need to be constantly online to succeed.The community is a huge part of Hattrick. Check out our lively forums and make friends from around the world.
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010
Hattrick Denominations and frequent abbreviations
AiM - Attack in the Middle
AoA - All out Attack
AoW - Attack on Wings
BP - Ball possession
CA - counter attack
CD - central defender
def - defensive
Deffor - defensive forward
FF - Firefox
FU - Financial update
FtW/FTW - Forward to wing
FW - Forward
GK - Goalkeeper
HT - Hattrick
IM - inner midfielder
Mid - Midfield
Mots/MOTS - Match of the season
off - offensive
oIM/oDef - offensive inner midfielder/defender etc.
PA - Press announcement
PM - playmaking or private message (= HT-Mail)
PIC - Play it Cool
PS - Passing
RG - Regainer
SE - Special event
TL - Transfer list or training level
TM - Transfer market
TO - Thread opener
TS - Team spirit
TSI - Total Skill Index
W - Winger
WB - wing back
WO - walkover
WtM - Winger to the middle
XP - Experience
YA - Youth Academy
YP - Youth Pull
Of course there are also other abbreviations used in Hattrick's forums, quite some of them are not specific to Hattrick, like "imho", "lol" or others. A list with some of them can be found here: (http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Inte...words).

AiM - Attack in the Middle
AoA - All out Attack
AoW - Attack on Wings
BP - Ball possession
CA - counter attack
CD - central defender
def - defensive
Deffor - defensive forward
FF - Firefox
FU - Financial update
FtW/FTW - Forward to wing
FW - Forward
GK - Goalkeeper
HT - Hattrick
IM - inner midfielder
Mid - Midfield
Mots/MOTS - Match of the season
off - offensive
oIM/oDef - offensive inner midfielder/defender etc.
PA - Press announcement
PM - playmaking or private message (= HT-Mail)
PIC - Play it Cool
PS - Passing
RG - Regainer
SE - Special event
TL - Transfer list or training level
TM - Transfer market
TO - Thread opener
TS - Team spirit
TSI - Total Skill Index
W - Winger
WB - wing back
WO - walkover
WtM - Winger to the middle
XP - Experience
YA - Youth Academy
YP - Youth Pull
Of course there are also other abbreviations used in Hattrick's forums, quite some of them are not specific to Hattrick, like "imho", "lol" or others. A list with some of them can be found here: (http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Inte...words).

Various stuff
1. Hattrick and random?
You have to understand that this game does not go without a certain amount of random. It's a part of the game and you need to live with it.
Don't forget that Hattrick is to be considered as game based on probabilities in many cases (especially when it comes to the match calculation).
2. I have no idea how to proceed! What should I do?
Don't hit the panic button and ask yourself calmly how you can solve the problem. If it's a game-related question that hasn't been solved by this thread, you should and have to ask! It's a pleasure for a lot of experienced managers to help you.
3. Achievements? What's that?
Achievements are not related to the core game. You get a new achievement if you do something special. For instance: a certain number of stars in a match, a certain fanclub size, a certain "average" match rating, and so on.
Don't ruin your team for this.
4. What happens if an injured player is in the lineup? Will there be a substitution or will there be one player less on the pitch?
There will be a substitution at the beginning of the match (if there is one available on the bench).
5. A piece of advice to those who want to spend much more time here:
A few of the tips given above concerning training won't work for you if you got more ambitions than a normal manager, if you want to invest more than an hour per day. For this very reason it might come in useful to ask yourself how ambitious you really are and how much time you really want to invest.
Well, if you count yourself amongst the very ambitious managers, you should start gathering information about trading, skill trading, subskills, estimating the subskills from TSI and wage and think about unconventional training types. The key to success can be found in the precise knowledge about and the constant observation of the transfer market.

You have to understand that this game does not go without a certain amount of random. It's a part of the game and you need to live with it.
Don't forget that Hattrick is to be considered as game based on probabilities in many cases (especially when it comes to the match calculation).
2. I have no idea how to proceed! What should I do?
Don't hit the panic button and ask yourself calmly how you can solve the problem. If it's a game-related question that hasn't been solved by this thread, you should and have to ask! It's a pleasure for a lot of experienced managers to help you.
3. Achievements? What's that?
Achievements are not related to the core game. You get a new achievement if you do something special. For instance: a certain number of stars in a match, a certain fanclub size, a certain "average" match rating, and so on.
Don't ruin your team for this.
4. What happens if an injured player is in the lineup? Will there be a substitution or will there be one player less on the pitch?
There will be a substitution at the beginning of the match (if there is one available on the bench).
5. A piece of advice to those who want to spend much more time here:
A few of the tips given above concerning training won't work for you if you got more ambitions than a normal manager, if you want to invest more than an hour per day. For this very reason it might come in useful to ask yourself how ambitious you really are and how much time you really want to invest.
Well, if you count yourself amongst the very ambitious managers, you should start gathering information about trading, skill trading, subskills, estimating the subskills from TSI and wage and think about unconventional training types. The key to success can be found in the precise knowledge about and the constant observation of the transfer market.

Link collection
Hattrick's official Wiki
An endless number of statistics
The week at Hattrick
Another sub skill tool, available for Firefox only
HT-Dog, discover the opponent's strengths and weaknesses
The FFA's transfer tool
The influence of form on player performance
Fanclub's growth in relation to supporter mood and division (in Romanian, but she be more or less easy to understand)
More info on Hattrick's economic evolution
Hattrick database
Foxtrick (Firefox browser is required)
Online tool
A few statistics
A study about experience gains
A study about the stamina training share needed depending on the players' age
A study on the transfer activity (updated daily)
Probably Hattrick's most popular tool
Yet another tool, one of the oldest on the market
Got a need for some tool?
Sule_'s midfield prediction tool
ABC of tactics. Good for starters, but it's not maintained anymore which means: use with a lot of caution
A useful tool if you want to expand your arena, using pretty new knowledge
The X-Files tools at databased
A tool for transfer comparisons, with more statistics on the transfer
Statistics about the evolution of user numbers
More statistics
Even more statistics

Hattrick's official Wiki
An endless number of statistics
The week at Hattrick
Another sub skill tool, available for Firefox only
HT-Dog, discover the opponent's strengths and weaknesses
The FFA's transfer tool
The influence of form on player performance
Fanclub's growth in relation to supporter mood and division (in Romanian, but she be more or less easy to understand)
More info on Hattrick's economic evolution
Hattrick database
Foxtrick (Firefox browser is required)
Online tool
A few statistics
A study about experience gains
A study about the stamina training share needed depending on the players' age
A study on the transfer activity (updated daily)
Probably Hattrick's most popular tool
Yet another tool, one of the oldest on the market
Got a need for some tool?
Sule_'s midfield prediction tool
ABC of tactics. Good for starters, but it's not maintained anymore which means: use with a lot of caution
A useful tool if you want to expand your arena, using pretty new knowledge
The X-Files tools at databased
A tool for transfer comparisons, with more statistics on the transfer
Statistics about the evolution of user numbers
More statistics
Even more statistics

Friendly pool
1. Where can I find it?
You need to click on "My Club" then go to "Senior Team" and finally to "Challenges".
2. How to become a member of it?
Follow the path described in question 1 and then click on "Add your team to pool"
3. Can I select any criteria?
Yes. "Any" is selected as a default for all criteria. You can define the following things:
- national or international friendly
- home or away (or "any")
- cup rules or normal rules
4. I'm a Hattrick Supporter. Can I search using more criteria than normal users?
Yes, as a supporter you will be able to select the country of your opponent and even his division.
You can also browse the pool.
5. Is it possible to remove my team from the pool?
Yes, it's possible. You just need to click on "Remove from pool". You will find the button at the same place where you added your team to the pool.
6. I'm still playing in the cup. Can I add my team to the pool nevertheless?
No, that's not possible.
7. I want to add my team to the pool, but it seems it's impossible right now. Why?
Did you already check if your team is currently playing a match? If that's the case, try again later.
8. I'm a Hattrick Supporter and I can't become a member of the pool. I can't even browse it. Why?
Did you already check if your team is currently playing a match? If that's the case, try again later.
9. I'm a Hattrick Supporter, which gives me the option "Possible to challenge", and I've added my team to the pool. Will unchecking "Possible to challenge" prevent the pool from matching me to another team?
No, it won't. Those are two different pairs of shoes. You need to remove your team from the pool.
10. I added my team to the pool and a friendly was arranged automatically. Do I need to add my team to the pool again next week in order to get an automatically arranged friendly match?
Yes, you need to. Your team has been automatically removed when the friendly match was arranged by the system.
11. I'm a Hattrick Supporter and have been browsing the friendly pool. I've clicked on the "Book" button and now I got to play against some team despite not wanting it. Can this error be reverted?
No, impossible. Watch out: there's also no confirmation box when clicking that button!
12. Is there a pool for youth academy teams as well?
13. Are there bot teams available in the pool?
14. Someone has added his team to the pool and it matches to the criteria I chose, but it also matches to another club searching with the same criteria. Who will get the friendly?
Out of a few team that entered the pool with the same criteria, the team that entered the pool first will get the friendly once another club fulfilling these criteria pops up.

You need to click on "My Club" then go to "Senior Team" and finally to "Challenges".
2. How to become a member of it?
Follow the path described in question 1 and then click on "Add your team to pool"
3. Can I select any criteria?
Yes. "Any" is selected as a default for all criteria. You can define the following things:
- national or international friendly
- home or away (or "any")
- cup rules or normal rules
4. I'm a Hattrick Supporter. Can I search using more criteria than normal users?
Yes, as a supporter you will be able to select the country of your opponent and even his division.
You can also browse the pool.
5. Is it possible to remove my team from the pool?
Yes, it's possible. You just need to click on "Remove from pool". You will find the button at the same place where you added your team to the pool.
6. I'm still playing in the cup. Can I add my team to the pool nevertheless?
No, that's not possible.
7. I want to add my team to the pool, but it seems it's impossible right now. Why?
Did you already check if your team is currently playing a match? If that's the case, try again later.
8. I'm a Hattrick Supporter and I can't become a member of the pool. I can't even browse it. Why?
Did you already check if your team is currently playing a match? If that's the case, try again later.
9. I'm a Hattrick Supporter, which gives me the option "Possible to challenge", and I've added my team to the pool. Will unchecking "Possible to challenge" prevent the pool from matching me to another team?
No, it won't. Those are two different pairs of shoes. You need to remove your team from the pool.
10. I added my team to the pool and a friendly was arranged automatically. Do I need to add my team to the pool again next week in order to get an automatically arranged friendly match?
Yes, you need to. Your team has been automatically removed when the friendly match was arranged by the system.
11. I'm a Hattrick Supporter and have been browsing the friendly pool. I've clicked on the "Book" button and now I got to play against some team despite not wanting it. Can this error be reverted?
No, impossible. Watch out: there's also no confirmation box when clicking that button!
12. Is there a pool for youth academy teams as well?
13. Are there bot teams available in the pool?
14. Someone has added his team to the pool and it matches to the criteria I chose, but it also matches to another club searching with the same criteria. Who will get the friendly?
Out of a few team that entered the pool with the same criteria, the team that entered the pool first will get the friendly once another club fulfilling these criteria pops up.

Team spirit and Confidence - Part 2
5. Confidence?
Your team's confidence has an influence over your team's attack ratings in a match. Your (team's) confidence changes after a competition match in relation to the match's result.
At each economy update, the confidence drops or climbs a bit towards decent. Sport psychologists can improve confidence.
6. Help! My team underestimates the opponent. What's going on?
It could happen that your team underestimates the opponent in a league match. This is possible when your opponent is placed 5 or more positions below your team in the league table. Underestimating the opponent lowers your midfield rating by one third. Underestimating can happen when your confidence is decent or higher. The higher your team's confidence is, the more you risk that your guys underestimate the opponent.

Your team's confidence has an influence over your team's attack ratings in a match. Your (team's) confidence changes after a competition match in relation to the match's result.
At each economy update, the confidence drops or climbs a bit towards decent. Sport psychologists can improve confidence.
6. Help! My team underestimates the opponent. What's going on?
It could happen that your team underestimates the opponent in a league match. This is possible when your opponent is placed 5 or more positions below your team in the league table. Underestimating the opponent lowers your midfield rating by one third. Underestimating can happen when your confidence is decent or higher. The higher your team's confidence is, the more you risk that your guys underestimate the opponent.

Team spirit and confidence - Part 1
1. Team spirit? What's that?
High team spirit means higher midfield rating. Low team spirit means lower midfield rating.
The neutral value for team spirit is "composed". If your team spirit is above this value, it tends to drop back to "composed" slowly. If your team spirit is below this value, it tends to climb back to "composed" slowly.
The further away from the neutral it is, the faster the dropping back to the neutral value is.
The team spirit is reset to the neutral value before the start of a new season, no matter what the team spirit was at the end of the finished season.
2. How can I boost my team spirit?
There's only one really reasonable way for this, playing one or more competition games with the "play it cool" option.
There's also the possibility to lower the training level, but this solution leads to a few new problems. Your players will train less fast, their form can drop dramatically (the probability for this is pretty high) and naturally, when raising the training level again, the team spirit will drop.
3. Team spirit droped. What happened?
Well, there are a few possibilities why this could have happened:
- you recently played a match using "Match of the Season", this options reduces your team spirit by half
- you did one or more transfers
- you raised the training level
- team spirit encountered a normal drop as a few daily updates passed and your team spirit was above the neutral value
4. Pic? Mots? What the hell are you people speaking about!?
Both are options for competition games
"Pic" is the abbrevation for "Play it cool". Playing it cool raises your team spirit by one third. Playing it cool lowers your midfield rating for that match.
"Mots" is the abbrevation for "Match of the Season". Playing the match of the season lowers your team spirit by half. Playing match of the season boosts your midfield rating for that match.

High team spirit means higher midfield rating. Low team spirit means lower midfield rating.
The neutral value for team spirit is "composed". If your team spirit is above this value, it tends to drop back to "composed" slowly. If your team spirit is below this value, it tends to climb back to "composed" slowly.
The further away from the neutral it is, the faster the dropping back to the neutral value is.
The team spirit is reset to the neutral value before the start of a new season, no matter what the team spirit was at the end of the finished season.
2. How can I boost my team spirit?
There's only one really reasonable way for this, playing one or more competition games with the "play it cool" option.
There's also the possibility to lower the training level, but this solution leads to a few new problems. Your players will train less fast, their form can drop dramatically (the probability for this is pretty high) and naturally, when raising the training level again, the team spirit will drop.
3. Team spirit droped. What happened?
Well, there are a few possibilities why this could have happened:
- you recently played a match using "Match of the Season", this options reduces your team spirit by half
- you did one or more transfers
- you raised the training level
- team spirit encountered a normal drop as a few daily updates passed and your team spirit was above the neutral value
4. Pic? Mots? What the hell are you people speaking about!?
Both are options for competition games
"Pic" is the abbrevation for "Play it cool". Playing it cool raises your team spirit by one third. Playing it cool lowers your midfield rating for that match.
"Mots" is the abbrevation for "Match of the Season". Playing the match of the season lowers your team spirit by half. Playing match of the season boosts your midfield rating for that match.

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