Q : Hey all, if training keepers at what stage should they be at before you start selling them? for example i have an extra-terrestrial keeper who is 21. should i have sold him already or wait till he goes up another level or two?
A : Sell! Sell!Make sure you sell very late at night or first thing in the morning (OC time).
A : Any side skills, defending and/or set pieces? If not sell, otherwise it might be worth switching training to train one of those skills up (if you want to).
A : Time to sell, no question. You are getting into the zone where profit-per-pop dips, combined with a serious rise in wages.
I have a gk who has just popped to WC - the level I usually sell at, but the market is OK at the moment for another pop + I want to up his SP, so I will give him one more GK pop + 2-3 SP pops.
Once you get above this (especially if age 20+ becomes a factor) profits start to drop. It iis better to sell and buy in a Formid and train him up (highest profit band = Formid +4 levels).
HOWEVER. If you have read the editorial on the new changes to the ME, released today, you will note that GKs have had their GK skill downgraded, which means that Def on a GK will become more important, so my next trainees will be Def heavy.
Hope this helps - after today's editorial I am not quite sure what will happen on the TM, it may be that higher level GKs become more valuable... or not.
A: That might be right if you plot time-to-pop vs profit. I haven't done the math, but if you combine these two sites you can calculate the optimum:
A : Sell! Sell!Make sure you sell very late at night or first thing in the morning (OC time).
A : Any side skills, defending and/or set pieces? If not sell, otherwise it might be worth switching training to train one of those skills up (if you want to).
A : Time to sell, no question. You are getting into the zone where profit-per-pop dips, combined with a serious rise in wages.
I have a gk who has just popped to WC - the level I usually sell at, but the market is OK at the moment for another pop + I want to up his SP, so I will give him one more GK pop + 2-3 SP pops.
Once you get above this (especially if age 20+ becomes a factor) profits start to drop. It iis better to sell and buy in a Formid and train him up (highest profit band = Formid +4 levels).
HOWEVER. If you have read the editorial on the new changes to the ME, released today, you will note that GKs have had their GK skill downgraded, which means that Def on a GK will become more important, so my next trainees will be Def heavy.
Hope this helps - after today's editorial I am not quite sure what will happen on the TM, it may be that higher level GKs become more valuable... or not.
A: That might be right if you plot time-to-pop vs profit. I haven't done the math, but if you combine these two sites you can calculate the optimum: