1. Should I do some random transfers?
No, you should better not do that. Doing transfers without thinking much is a good way to get your team into debts and to leave the game by going bankrupt. You probably don't want to risk that.
Better get a training concept first and only buy players after that (you still shouldn't waste for any kind of player that crosses your mind).
If you're club's in debt, you might find some tips here: (14104108.17).
2. I'm playing with 4 central midfielders/central defenders/forwards. It's probably a good idea, isn't it?
No, it's not. Of course on a pure technical way it's possible and it might make you win, but you should be aware that the training for that week is wasted. Why? You mustn't have more than 3 players on a central position at the same time. You're allowed to have maximum of 3 central defenders at the same time on the pitch (the same goes for central midfielders and for forwards).
3. I didn't set a line-up in my last match/I put less than 9 players on the pitch for the last match. I lost 0:5. Will it have bad consequences for me?
Yes. The training for that week is wasted.
4. I'm spending money for the youth scouting/youth academy. I'm sure it's good thing, because the future belongs to the youth, right?The basic idea isn't that bad, since you're going to give training to young players in your senior squad. But, when investing money in any kind of youth system, you should think on the fact that this is an investment you'll have to do every week in order to get some benefit (and even then it's not granted for sure). It's a lot of money for a new team. It's money that should rather be invested into training or player material for the senior team, or money that should be kept as a reserve until your team gets the first revenues from training.
A youth academy will cost you 1.000.000 rial on a weekly basis and you'll have to keep your youth academy open for six week before you can close (and you can only close it when you're not in a youth league, otherwise you got to wait even longer).
5. Forum behaviour, what's that?
This thread, in case you've not noticed, has been placed into the Questions (English) forum. It's a public forum, just as all national forums for instance. There are rules for all those and you should abide by them. The general forum rules can be found here: (/Help/Rules/HRForum.aspx) (public forums can have specific rules, so watch out for the forum stickies if there are).
As said, there are rules and you should respect that. If you do it, you won't get bad surprises. If you open a thread in the questions forum, you should do it in a polite and respectful manner. The people answering you are players just like you and they're spending some of their time on a volunteer basis, just to help you.
6. Are standard setups important?
If you don't have a standard line-up, you're risking to play a match with less than 9 players. That shouldn't happen without having a standard setup naturally, since a good manager is logging in regularly and knows what's going on in his team, but sometimes real life can upset your plans and it could happen that you can't access Hattrick before the match starts (perhaps Hattrick is down? Or your phone line has been cut all of a sudden by that gang digging a hole in front of your window?)
Tip: Each time you save your line-up, check the box next to "Make this the standard setup". That way your last working line-up is also your default setup.

No, you should better not do that. Doing transfers without thinking much is a good way to get your team into debts and to leave the game by going bankrupt. You probably don't want to risk that.
Better get a training concept first and only buy players after that (you still shouldn't waste for any kind of player that crosses your mind).
If you're club's in debt, you might find some tips here: (14104108.17).
2. I'm playing with 4 central midfielders/central defenders/forwards. It's probably a good idea, isn't it?
No, it's not. Of course on a pure technical way it's possible and it might make you win, but you should be aware that the training for that week is wasted. Why? You mustn't have more than 3 players on a central position at the same time. You're allowed to have maximum of 3 central defenders at the same time on the pitch (the same goes for central midfielders and for forwards).
3. I didn't set a line-up in my last match/I put less than 9 players on the pitch for the last match. I lost 0:5. Will it have bad consequences for me?
Yes. The training for that week is wasted.
4. I'm spending money for the youth scouting/youth academy. I'm sure it's good thing, because the future belongs to the youth, right?The basic idea isn't that bad, since you're going to give training to young players in your senior squad. But, when investing money in any kind of youth system, you should think on the fact that this is an investment you'll have to do every week in order to get some benefit (and even then it's not granted for sure). It's a lot of money for a new team. It's money that should rather be invested into training or player material for the senior team, or money that should be kept as a reserve until your team gets the first revenues from training.
A youth academy will cost you 1.000.000 rial on a weekly basis and you'll have to keep your youth academy open for six week before you can close (and you can only close it when you're not in a youth league, otherwise you got to wait even longer).
5. Forum behaviour, what's that?
This thread, in case you've not noticed, has been placed into the Questions (English) forum. It's a public forum, just as all national forums for instance. There are rules for all those and you should abide by them. The general forum rules can be found here: (/Help/Rules/HRForum.aspx) (public forums can have specific rules, so watch out for the forum stickies if there are).
As said, there are rules and you should respect that. If you do it, you won't get bad surprises. If you open a thread in the questions forum, you should do it in a polite and respectful manner. The people answering you are players just like you and they're spending some of their time on a volunteer basis, just to help you.
6. Are standard setups important?
If you don't have a standard line-up, you're risking to play a match with less than 9 players. That shouldn't happen without having a standard setup naturally, since a good manager is logging in regularly and knows what's going on in his team, but sometimes real life can upset your plans and it could happen that you can't access Hattrick before the match starts (perhaps Hattrick is down? Or your phone line has been cut all of a sudden by that gang digging a hole in front of your window?)
Tip: Each time you save your line-up, check the box next to "Make this the standard setup". That way your last working line-up is also your default setup.

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