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Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

hattrick FAQ : Specialists

General info

Hiring more than 10 specialists of one type (assistant coaches and keeper coaches are counted together for this!) will usually result in a negative effect, the exact effect being dependant on the type of specialist. These sanctions can happen even if you have had more than 10 specialists of that type for only a short time during the week (not necessarily over the Thursday training update).

Hiring specialists is free, they are paid when fired or on the weekly economic update. To get the most out of them (where applicable), you will want to fire them after the last daily update immediately before the next weekly economic update.


Spokepersons affect both sponsor mood and supporters mood. Sponsor income is a function of fanclub size and sponsor mood.

One study provided a model on which this tool is based: (http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/pages/...s.asp)

More than 10: sponsor mood drop


If you are in debt, economists will earn money based on the size of last weeks interest payment. One economist becomes profitable with debt over 200k, two with debt over 300k.

If, on the other hand, you have a large sum of money in your account, economists will earn interest on this money. The first economist becomes profitable when your cash exceeds 1M. Note that since economists only works at the time of economical update, they will always cost you one week salary extra, so it is not profitable to hire an economist if you plan to have the cash for a few weeks only.

At the end of this season the interest gained from economists will drop to zero and it is unclear at this time what (if any) effects economists will have next season.

More than 10: loss of 10% of cash

Assistant coaches and Goalkeeping coaches

These two when added together count towards the limit of 10 specialists!

Assistant coaches speed up training and help to increase the form of your squad. Recommended combinations are therefore 4-1 to 9-1 or 8-2 for outfielders training and 5-2 to 5-5 or 6-4 or even 1-9 for keeper trainers. Only hire the maximum number if you can afford it!

More than 10: risk of training loss and team spirit drop


They decrease the risk of injury. Since this cannot be measured at all, it is generally recommended to start with 1 or 2 and increase as you can afford. It is widely believed that 5 is enough for most teams a but lot of managers have 10 of them.

More than 10: Youth squad level decrease


Psychologists increase team confidence (which mainly affects attack ratings). The Rules also state that they affect team spirit, but experienced managers have been denying this.

There is only one downside of high confidence - if you are playing a league match against a team that is 5 places or more below you, an overconfidence event may occur (witnessed with strong confidence and above, the higher the more probable). The overconfidence event is always shown at the beginning of the match report and causes a drop in midfield rating. The team will recover from this at half time if trailing behind.

Psychologists affect confidence only on the weekly economical update and after official matches. If your confidence is too high, just fire them before the economical update.

More than 10: Penalty unknown,
-confidence drop
-drop in all formation experience
-team spirit drop


Doctors increase the healing speed of injured players. There are a lot of tools that provide very good predictions for this (for example (http://www.av2.hattricknippon.org/). Hattrick Organizer and probably a lot of other CHPP applications have this functionality built in

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